Monday, March 17, 2008

Thank You

As we get ready to take the girls into PAWS today we would like to thank you all who have followed the blog, it has been fun to write and maintain. We would like to give a GREAT big thank you to all of you how came to the house to visit and socialize the puppies. Sometimes it was crowded in the house but we wouldn't have had it any other way.

From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU TO YOU ALL. Please keep the girls (and us)in your thoughts as they transfer into the kennels and eventually to their Foster Puppy Homes.


Hobbes Dogs said...

Thank you so much for sharing the experience (and all the puppy pictures) with us.

Aussie said...

Thank you to you! It's wonderful for the puppy raisers to see the pups journey before they come home to us. It means so much. Aussie loved seeing her sisters grow. She really did watch the videos. Can't wait to get a cuddle live & in person. Sending a smooch to you with your empty nest. Great Job Hula!

Breedercheeto said...

Congratulations on a job well done. I love the slide. Thanks for letting us watch them grow.
Marianne and Cheeto

sandy&macy said...

Enjoyed the blog of Hula and puppies so much! Thanks for taking the time to share them. You and Hula have done a great job!